MBA - Area Focus Electives - Marketing


The required and elective marketing curriculum at Darden helps students develop the skills, tools and concepts required to build an integrated, enterprise-focused approach to marketing.

Beyond basic principles, Darden students also learn marketing metrics and research as well as product innovation and brand management. Many co-curricular activities, like the Marketing Brand Challenge, support the in-class learning as well.

  • Courses

    Required Course



    The following collection of courses emphasizes brand/product management as found in the traditional consumer packaged goods companies. It would be relevant also for those who wish to bring these skills to non-traditional marketing positions such as those in financial services, health care and other service businesses. Typically, managers are responsible for the overall management of a product over its entire life cycle.

    Primary Courses 

    Related Courses  


    The B2B selection of courses is focused on those who wish to market products/services to other businesses. These firms range from high-tech, to traditional manufacturing companies, to financial services and consulting companies. Business marketers also engage in activities similar to their consumer products colleagues, although the role of advertising has typically been less important and sales-related issues rise to the fore. Although the focus is on B2B marketing issues, the selection of courses takes a very strong position on strategy implementation. 

    Primary Courses  

    Related Courses  


    The market research selection of courses is more technical and emphasizes a more quantitative orientation. This course selection is attractive to those who wish to pursue more analytical careers such as in marketing research or general consulting or work for a manufacturing/service company in marketing planning, pricing or business development. Focus ranges from general strategy consulting to more targeted marketing consulting that addresses specific marketing problems. 

    Primary Courses  

    Related Courses 


    This selection of courses emphasizes positions that rely heavily on the Internet and addresses both B2C and B2B applications. With a more technical focus, topics include determining the lifetime value of the customer, understanding marketing metrics and performance. Emphasis is on developing go-to-market strategies that reach customers through a broad set of channels. In addition, these courses rely heavily on analytical tools to understand the effectiveness of marketing programs launched via both traditional channels and emerging channels.

    Primary Courses 

    Related Courses 

    * Courses offered in the First and Second Year. All other courses are offered only in the Second Year.

    Please note: courses are subject to change each year. Consult the course directory for the most up-to-date course offerings.

  • Concentrations

    Darden faculty created the following marketing concentration to help Second Year students develop course plans:


    The marketing concentration prepares students for careers in marketing by helping them understand how to manage customer relationships (e.g. in consumer packaged goods, consumer durables, consumer services, consulting firms, Not for Profits (NEPs), industrial goods and technology products).  Through this series of courses, students will gain insights into how customer-based marketing decisions can create loyal engaged customers.  Faculty Contact: Raj Venkatesan.

  • Clubs & Events

    Marketing and General Management Club

    The Darden Marketing and General Management Club is committed to helping members understand the varied and exciting professional opportunities in marketing, develop the necessary knowledge and skills to accomplish career goals, build relationships with peers and faculty and network with professionals in organizations with strong marketing opportunities.

    Darden Brand Challenge

    The Darden Brand Challenge brings together more than 400 students, faculty and family members for an evening of blind taste testing and product trials. The Brand Challenge is an educational and entertaining event that excites students about careers in brand management and familiarizes them with issues surrounding product positioning and market research.

    Darden Marketing Forum

    The Marketing Forum is a symposium of marketing managers brought together to explore current issues and trends affecting marketing professionals and to provide the Darden community with additional insights into the various career options within the marketing industry.

    View the full list of Darden student organizations

  • Video
  • Contacts

    Still have questions? Feel free to contact the following current student and alumni to ask specific questions about marketing at Darden or in their careers. For additional contacts, please visit the Darden Student and Alumni Ambassadors list.


    Jason Tilghman (MBA ’12)

    Undergraduate education: Florida International University
    Undergraduate major: Finance
    Company: 3M
    Position: Supervisor, Strategic Business Development
    Location: Minneapolis, MN

    “As a member of the Strategic Business Development group at 3M, it is essential that I be able to absorb large quantities of information quickly, ask well thought-out questions and make key decisions to help move a client initiative forward or solve a client challenge. I believe the case study method at Darden has equipped me with the tools and armed me with the academic foundation that I need to excel at my job. Having worked through hundreds of cases during my two years at Darden, I feel confident about and prepared to taking on broad-ranging projects and challenges at 3M.”

    Sadie Wieschhoff (MBA 12)

    Undergraduate education: Bowdoin College
    Undergraduate major: History
    Company: Target
    Position: Buyer

    “Darden does a great job of bringing top companies on Grounds to get to know students and to educate them about their company and the opportunities they offer. My classmates and the Darden alumni network has been invaluable. People are always willing to talk with you, give career advice, help you learn more about a company, a specific role, etc. I have truly found they help in anyway they can. I feel very lucky to be part of such a supportive and dedicated network and to be headed to Target.”

    Trisha Bailey (MBA 11)

    Undergraduate education: Duke University
    Undergraduate major: Public Policy Studies
    Company: PepsiCo (Frito-Lay North America)
    Role: Marketing Manager
    Current location: Dallas, TX

    “As a career-switcher looking to transition from the nonprofit space into a marketing role at a large corporation, I was attracted to Darden’s general management approach. Darden’s rigorous, inter-disciplinary curriculum has given me the analytical tools and enterprise perspective necessary to help me solve problems, make strategic decisions and address complex challenges in the dynamic and fast-paced consumer packaged goods marketplace. The case method has also prepared me to cultivate a clear point-of-view and to think creatively. Most importantly, Darden’s vibrant community and strong emphasis on collaboration have enabled me to build incredible personal and professional relationships and have prepared me to manage cross-functional teams, agency partnerships and collaborative processes, which are a critical part of my marketing role.”

    Kelly Becker (MBA 08)

    Undergraduate education: Texas Christian University
    Undergraduate major: Advertising/Public Relations
    Company: Danaher
    Role: Product Manager
    Current location: Chicago, IL

    “I chose Darden's strong general management program to move my career from a single discipline strength to an enterprise-wide skill set. As a global product manager, I am frequently asked to make decisions with imperfect information across the spectrum of business challenges. The program's integrated marketing, operations, finance, leadership and organizational behavior curriculum provide you with the business content; yet it is the analytical skills learned, the teamwork emphasis and professional exposure received going through the program that I am able to draw upon to make those decisions with speed and confidence.”

    Trevor Winn (MBA 08)

    Undergraduate education: University of California, Riverside
    Undergraduate major: History
    Company: General Mills
    Role: Associate Marketing Manager
    Current location: Minneapolis, MN

    “Darden faculty teach for the love of teaching! Great personalities and an impressive depth of knowledge they use to engage their students and broaden our skill sets. Even better, the faculty make themselves available outside of the class, for projects or even in the working world.”

Marketing Faculty

Luca Cian

Luca Cian

Killgallon Ohio Art Professor of Business Administration


Serena Hagerty

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Meghan Murray_preferred_IMGL4964BW.png

Meghan R. Murray

Senior Lecturer

Raj-Venkatesan faculty-bio_1x1 thumbnail

Rajkumar Venkatesan

Ronald Trzcinski Professor of Business Administration

Ron Wilcox

Ronald T. Wilcox

NewMarket Corporation Professor of Business Administration


Kimberly A. Whitler

Frank M. Sands Sr. Associate Professor of Business Administration


Zhihao Zhang

Assistant Professor of Business Administration