Seminars & Conferences
Faculty Research - Seminars & Conferences - SBE Conference
24th Annual Strategy and the Business Environment (SBE) Conference
Dates: 3-4 May 2024
Location: University of Virginia’s Sands Family Grounds in Northern Virginia (1100 Wilson Blvd, Rosslyn, VA)
Call for Papers: SBE Call for Papers
Registration: SBE Registration
Friday, 3 May
8:00 AM - Welcome Reception and Registration
8:45 AM - Dean and Conference Chairs Welcome
9:00 AM - Paper Session 1
- We've Got You Covered: Employer and Employee Responses to Dobbs v. Jackson [PDF] - Evan Starr
- The Role of Advertisers and Platforms in Monetizing Misinformation: Descriptive and Experimental Evidence [PDF] - Wajeeha Ahmad
10:30 AM - Break
11:00 AM - Paper Session 2
- Local Political Partisanship and Industrial GHG Reductions [PDF] - Tom Lyon
- Human Capital's Role in Corporate Adoption of Socially Responsible Practices: The Case of Responsible Artificial Intelligence Principles [PDF] - Nur Ahmed
12:30 PM - Lunch and Panel: The New Age of Industrial Policy & the Future of American Democratic Capitalism
2:00 PM - Paper Session 3
- Why Firms Speak Up: Evidence from Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate [PDF] - Genevieve Gregorich
- Policymaker Responses to CEO Activism [PDF] -Christopher Poliquin
3:30 PM - Break
4:00 PM - Paper Session 4
- Can Employees Shape Corporate Political Responsibility in an Era of Democratic Backsliding? Evidence from the Capitol Insurrection [PDF] - Zhao Li
- "American Democracy": Corporate political involvement and stakeholder evaluations [PDF] - Anna McKean
5:00 PM - Reception and Dinner
Saturday, 4 May
8:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 AM - Paper Session 5
- Eliciting Supplier Collaboration for a Firm's Decarbonization Strategy: A Field Experiment in an Agricultural Supply Chain in India [PDF] - Sukti Ghosh
- Cloaked Opposition: Firms' Partisan Identity and Convert Corporate Political Activities [PDF] - Bo Yang
10:30 AM - Break
11:00 AM - Paper Session 6
- Walking the CSR Talk in Politics: Examining the (Mis)Alignment of Firm Rhetoric with Corporate Political Lobbying [PDF] - Tony He
- Hedging against the risk of democratic transition: Corporate philanthropy after the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan [PDF] - Lori Yue
12:30 PM - Lunch and Panel
2:00 PM - Paper Session 7
- Scaling Effective Regulatory Consultation in Emerging Economies Through Crowdsourced Co-Creation: A Field Experiment with Small Hotels in Thailand [PDF] - Marcus Taussig
2:45 PM - Closing Reflection and Reception
Event Details: The 24th annual Strategy and the Business Environment (SBE) Conference will be hosted by the Darden School of Business, Darden’s Institute for Business in Society (IBIS), and the UVA Miller Center for the Presidency and Policy. The conference explores the interrelationships between the business strategies of industries and the social, legal and political environments in which they operate. We are receptive to a wide range of research perspectives and methodologies, including formal theoretical modeling, quantitative empirical research and qualitative research, in either developed or developing economies. Papers drawn from economics, political science, sociology, strategic management and related fields are appropriate for the conference.
Recommended Accommodations: The Hyatt Centric (Arlington, VA) and Le Meridien (Arlington, VA)
Contact: Mike Lenox - lenoxm@darden.virginia.edu