Responsible Business for Corporate Boards
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Designed for busy senior executives and board members who need to navigate increasingly complex corporate activity, this weekly, live virtual program, featuring Darden’s world-renowned thought leaders in stakeholder management, strategy and ethics – including Ed Freeman, Jared Harris, Yo-Jud Cheng and Scott Snell – along with Finance Professor Rich Evans, will change the way you think about serving on and interacting with boards.
Live virtual sessions are held Mondays from 1:30-3:00pm EST, except for Labor Day (9/2/24).
Intended For
Today’s board members and senior executives must be acutely aware of the changing role of the board and the C-suite, as well as respond to the external pressures and expectations organizations face in a complex and uncertain business environment.
Through weekly virtual discussions, you'll gain tools to evaluate and plan long-term growth strategies and activities in ways that emphasize long-term stakeholder value and avoids political risks, while still taking clear positions that align with your values on important issues that affect your employees, investors, and community. Key topics for discussion include:
- Long-term organizational interests
- Challenges and opportunities of ESG investing
- External expectations around corporate responsibility and value creation
- Dynamics and risks of board interactions
- Responding to brand activism and external pressures
- Best practices for stakeholder engagement
Program Topics
The program is hosted entirely online, featuring weekly sessions that run Mondays from 1:30-3:00pm EST. Weekly sessions include:
- Changing role of the board and C-suite executives
- Why the “silent G” will be the next frontier of effective board management
- Governance of investment choices and ESG
- ESG reporting and communication in the face of shifting standards
- Board dynamics and risk mitigation
- Responding to brand activism and external stakeholder pressure
- Innovative solutions for solving big problems: leveraging stakeholder engagement
- Key issues and Q&A session with a Darden Board Member
Impact & Outcomes
- Better understanding of board dynamics and navigating board interactions
- Increased understanding of fiduciary responsibilities
- Enhanced skill at navigating corporate political (or politicized) activities, such as ESG investing etc.
- Practice at responding to brand activism and external pressure
- Increased focus on seeking innovative solutions for solving big organizational problems
Participant Profile
Designed for C-suite leaders and board members who need to manage diverse boards and organizations in an increasingly politicized business environment.
The program is hosted entirely online, featuring weekly sessions that run Mondays from 1:30-3:00pm EST. Weekly sessions include:
- Changing role of the board and C-suite executives
- Why the “silent G” will be the next frontier of effective board management
- Governance of investment choices and ESG
- ESG reporting and communication in the face of shifting standards
- Board dynamics and risk mitigation
- Responding to brand activism and external stakeholder pressure
- Innovative solutions for solving big problems: leveraging stakeholder engagement
- Key issues and Q&A session with a Darden Board Member
- Better understanding of board dynamics and navigating board interactions
- Increased understanding of fiduciary responsibilities
- Enhanced skill at navigating corporate political (or politicized) activities, such as ESG investing etc.
- Practice at responding to brand activism and external pressure
- Increased focus on seeking innovative solutions for solving big organizational problems
Designed for C-suite leaders and board members who need to manage diverse boards and organizations in an increasingly politicized business environment.

Earn Your Certificate
Responsible Business for Corporate Boards counts as one program toward a noncredit Darden Certificate in Leadership & Management. Complete this program and three additional programs to earn your certificate.

Jared D. Harris
Samuel L. Slover Research Chair and Associate Professor of Business Administration

Yo-Jud Cheng
Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Richard B. Evans
Senior Associate Dean for Research Services and Support, Professor of Business Administration, Donald McLean Wilkinson Research Chair in Business Administration

Scott A. Snell
Eleanor F. and Phillip G. Rust Professor of Business Administration